
A Music Therapy Treatment Plan includes

  • Referral: (GP, Parent, School, Speech Therapist, Family Project etc)
  • Assessment (Individual/group therapy takes 2-3 sessions)
  • Treatment Plan (Individualised programme, on-going monitoring)
  • Documentation/Evaluation (upon request)


Music therapy sessions will take place across a certain period of time (based on assessment) where various music therapy methods and techniques will be used for the client to reach their specific goals. A session typically lasts between 30 and 45 minutes and is predominantly client led. A 6-8 week block is recommended in order to build trust and for a therapeutic relationship to form between the therapist and client. Progress will be monitored on a weekly basis. Musical interventions can include improvisation, song-singing, turn taking, music assisted relaxation and instrument play.


Similar goal areas can be addressed in groups as in individual sessions however; group sessions can be a space where social development and peer interaction can be promoted between group members.  Workshops and group sessions can be set up at suitable venues in consultation with interested parties.

Some people have Music Therapy for a short period of time while others continue to have Music Therapy for many years.   A block of Music therapy is encouraged for a non-verbal relationship to develop between the client and Music Therapist. The length of therapy can be discussed and the decision to carry on can be reviewed.


I offer music therapy workshops, information workshops and training services.I also offer workshops for transition year and secondary schools.

Contact Lindsey today! 086 846 1559